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Showing posts from November, 2010
Wanted to start the first post of this new venture by this image created by me to mark this year's Independence Day Celebrations. I would definitely start writing as usual, as its expected in any blog. But since this is a Blog dedicated to India-I would be happy to start with the positive side of Our Country. This picture embodies the Cultural Diversity of India, It represents a very small portion of the humongous diversity a Great and Rich Country like India has. With All its Vibrancy and Colour, India represents many things to many people. This blog is about my day to day thoughts about India-Its System, Its Governance, Its Problems, Its Solutions, Its Achievements , Its Failures and there on. There may be hundreds and thousands of blogs available on the same topic, where people use a blog to express their feelings about get in that Universal Trending word called "Change" . But I believe that "Every tiny drop, forms and ocean' , so this may be may be a small ef...